Lake Granbury Medical Center offers competitive benefits and packages to all residents.
2024-2025 AY resident salaries by PGY-level:
ONMM Only: Registration, travel, and lodging for the ONMM In-Training Exam at the American Academy of Osteopathy Annual Convocation
Residents are provided an Educational Allowance of $1,200 each academic year. Funds may be used for books/journals, electronic subscriptions, exam study materials, conference registration/travel, and other expenses as approved by the program director.
The Employee Assistance Program is a voluntary work-based program offering free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work related problems.
Residents receive life insurance coverage valued at 1 year of their current salary. Additional life insurance coverage is available at the option and expense of the resident physician.
Northwest Healthcare Tucson provides resident physicians with professional liability insurance to cover the resident physician while acting in the performance of their duties and assignments within the training program (moonlighting activities are not covered).
The complete Benefits Summary outlining stipends, professional liability coverage, and health/disability insurance accessible to Residents/Fellows and their eligible dependents may be found in the Benefits Summary.
Download the Sample Contract, Benefits Summary, and Relevant Policies:
Sample Documents